Friday, October 24, 2008

Thing #11: LibraryThing

Wow. This one was fantastically easy, since I’ve been a lifetime member of LibraryThing for awhile. I use LibraryThing to track all of the books that I read. (I have different cataloging software for the books I own.) Currently, everything in my LibraryThing account are books that I’ve read since January 2002. I’m about to start going back and adding books that I read before then, like the first parts of series, and books from my childhood. That might take awhile, especially since I can’t remember them all…

You can see my catalog at, member name: angel11398

Thing #10

I love the funny name generators. I also enjoyed ‘death psychic’ and ‘cheese comparator’. I explored the following, putting in my name and my family’s names.

Jogger-Upsetting, Livestock-Injuring Enigma
Get Your Monster Name

My Kitten is Lucie LovesFishies.
Take The fluffy kitten name generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Giselle Papillon
Known in some parts of the world as: Hero of The Steely Moon
The Great Archives Record: A child of the Moon Goddess - Cold, determined, but of the light in the night.

Just click on any of the links to go to the generator I played with!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thing #9: Finding Feeds

-Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?
If I was interested in browsing, that would be the easiest way to find anything. The search tools were not as user-friendly as one would hope.

-Which Search tool was the easiest for you?
The Search tool that I liked best was the Bloglines search tool, followed by Technorati. I only partially liked topix, it is only useful if I just wanted news headlines, but I’ve already subscribed to the ones I’m interested in on my RSS reader. I also did not like Syndic8 – except for the tag cloud. There wasn’t really a way to search on there – mostly just browsing, which I don’t enjoy.

-Which was more confusing?
Definitely the Syndic8. It mostly seemed like it was reporting on WHAT people had done, without allowing someone to search for interesting things.-What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds?

Another way I found newsfeeds was by going to various websites I was interested in and then looked for a way to add RSS feeds.

Thing #8: RSS

I did not create a Bloglines account. I set mine up through MyYahoo, since I use Yahoo email. MyYahoo will also show you if you have new mail messages on your welcome screen.

-What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
RSS is convenient because it combines information from a whole bunch of different sites into one spot so I don’t have to check each one every day to see if there is something new. Unfortunately, not every site has this feature available, or else the site doesn’t allow you to filter it further (like

-How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
Professionally, this would be a good tool to use to help track upcoming events in the area that may be important for us to attend or promote. Personally, it would be a timesaver so I don’t need to check each site individually.

-How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
Libraries can use RSS to advertise upcoming events, lists of books recently ordered, new fundraising opportunities, podcasts of booktalks, etc. I have seen several libraries that do use RSS to advertise in a different manner than traditional print or broadcast media.

You can only hope that more websites incorporate RSS into their format. It is convenient, and for most people, their time is very valuable. Anything they can do to save an extra step is ideal.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thing #7: Technology

This is super easy, except for the fact that I can’t decide which technology is my current favorite. So, I guess you’ll get to hear about my top 3!

1. TiVo. My TiVo is awesome. It records shows for me that I’d completely forgotten about. I’m not home when most of my favorite shows are on. Thanks to TiVo, I also have not watched commercials in almost 3 years, unless they look interesting and I stop to watch them. I also love being able to pause and rewind shows, especially if the phone rings or the family starts talking just when they are revealing the murderer on CSI. Granted, TiVo is not a new technology, it just is better than a VCR or the DVR box from the cable company.

2. Facebook is rather addictive. My friends and cousins are scattered all over America. Thanks to Facebook, I can stay in touch with all of them much easier than a phone call or an email. Facebook also has a ton of interactive things – SeaGarden, fluffbook, GreenPatch, Flair, WordTwist – that you can send to your friends, post on your profile, create and share, play with, and challenge others. There is something on Facebook for almost everyone. Some people use it to meet other people, others use it just to stay in touch.

3. Nintendo DS. My DS is fun. It is a small handheld video game console – its predecessor was the GameBoy and its current rival is the Sony PSP. The DS is a great entertainment tool, but can also be educational. I currently am altering between ‘fun’ games like Mario Kart, and games that challenge the mind like Brain Age. Even the ‘fun’ games are great for improving hand-eye coordination, reading, and socialization skills. That is one reason why libraries are incorporating gaming into their daily activities for teens. Games aren’t just for kids, either!

Thing #6: Flickr Mashups

I explored Flickr ColrPickr and CrimeReports (

I really enjoyed CrimeReports because I am planning on moving to Omaha and can see local crime statistics combined with Google Maps. This will help me find a safe neighborhood to live in. You always hear about ‘another shooting’ or ‘armed robbery’ on the news. CrimeReports points out where each occurrence is and gives data about date, time, type of crime based on OPD’s police reports. Granted, it doesn’t show unreported crimes, but it still gives a good idea. At least, better than trying to sort through the data yourself and mark them on a map.

ColrPickr was also cool. It was fun to play with to see if any awesome photos popped up, or just the huge variety of the photos available. I showed it to one of my quilter friends and she wished she had something like that that would pop up fabric choices in various color schemes.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thing #5: Flickr

This discovery was fantastically easy, since I've been using Flickr off and on for a couple of years. I've tagged them with Owhatageek.

These are some of my 4th of July photos that turned out nicely.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thing #2: Lifelong Learning

The hardest habit I have is: Viewing obstacles as challenges, not problems. I find myself frustrated if things don't go smoothly, and I also find myself ready to use any excuse for not accomplishing my goals.
The easiest habit I have is: Play! I enjoy reading, playing my flute, playing video and board games, exploring new places, and trying new things.
Overall, I feel that I have many of the habits of Lifelong Learners, but I do still need a little work...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blog Post #2: Status Updates

Since I forgot to write this in my first post:
I would like to try to earn the iTunes prize.

I have also completed Thing #1, Thing #3, and Thing #4. I haven't done Thing #2 yet. I never seem to be by a computer with headphones here at the library. I'll have to try to do this one at home - maybe snipe the computer from my husband when he gets up to get a snack.... This could be fun! ;)