Monday, December 1, 2008

Thing #23: The End?

My favorite exercises were ones that I will probably use in either my personal life or at work. This includes things like Rollyo, LibraryThing, and RSS feeds.

This program has affected my lifelong learning goals, because now I look at more things as opportunities for learning – when a customer asks about unfamiliar technology, I don’t get as flustered. I simply say, “I’m not sure, but I’ll take a look.”

I also see more of the benefits of some websites, like YouTube. They don’t exist just as a reason for people to waste time, but can also have valuable material on them. Granted, some people will never discover the value, but it is out there to be found.

It is a great concept. I hope to see a follow-up with other Web 2.0 sites, such as I also would like to see some type of a program, like a technology petting zoo at each branch, featuring new (and not-so-new) electronics that people may come in asking about – like how to download things onto their mp3 player, or if they can connect to the wireless with their Nintendo DS, or how to scan a text document. That way we don’t have to look clueless, but can answer them confidently.

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